Other Tips
Tips For Keeping Your Pets Safe And Cool In Summer
Hot weather can make us physically uncomfortable, and it can also be a danger to your pets. Things like heat stroke, dehydration, the risk of bug bites, and the hot asphalt that can burn their sensitive paws while outdoors. Here are some tips for you to keep you pets safe & cool. Read Article >What Our Customers Have To Say ★★★★★ (153)
From Veterinarians
@danielaguerraasce Si les interesa el producto de @gsd.petietec Holiday Upbeat Pop featuring ukulele, acoustic guitars. (Title : Party Bag) - Yuki Ishii
From Dog Trainers
As a retired Police dog, Jocker can get up to the car again!
Jocker is a retired Police dog and has pain in his joints. He refused to get on the car because of the chronic pain before. After using the heating therapy brace for about 4 weeks, and now he can get on the car! The temperature makes him comfortable every time he use it. Highly recommended!Mme | DOG TRAINER
Useful for both my puppies and myself.
So enjoy for my puppies to the heated therapy! Not gonna lie, I used it on my low back pain and they really helped me too!Lisa | DOG TRAINER
It fit great on her, and she falls asleep after using it
My younger GSD is 50 pounds and it fit great on her, and she falls asleep after using it. My older GSD aka 95 pounds currently and it was a bit small on him. He wasn't a big fan of the straps going across his penis but did leave it alone and seemed to enjoy it. I like the adjustable straps to keep it fitted on them.Amy | DOG TRAINER
From Dog Owners
I've been so impressed with this company!
I stumbled upon Petietic awhile ago when looking for ways to help my aging pup. Watched Petietics Facebook, Instagram, and website for over a month before I purchased because I’m a skeptic. Every single review I saw were 5 stars and all extremely positive! So I finally purchased for my Sweet Angel Baby Snookie who will be 12 in July and is getting a little stiff as she ages. I want to do absolutely everything in my power to keep her not only comfortable but keep her active and young for as long as possible. She is my absolute heart. I have been so impressed with this company!Sasha | DOG OWNER
Our boy is so relaxed wearing them and he can move about with ease too without it slipping.
My Cardigan Corgi was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia at 10 months old. We were advised to use heat therapy which started with us using a wheat bag. We found this hard to make stay in the right place and also cover all his 'sore' spots, and so searched for another option. We came across the Petietec heat braces on Facebook and coincidentally our Physiotherapist had one for us to try. We love how easy the braces are to use, and how the heat is targeted directly on all the correct spots. Our boy is so relaxed wearing them and he can move about with ease too without it slipping. The customer service has been fantastic and the braces arrived really swiftly. Would highly recommend!Charlie | DOG OWNER