Health Issue:CCL/hip dysplasia
Product Used:Hip Brace
"PetieTec sent us a Targeted Heated Brace to help relieve some of her pain. The brace shown in the pictures fits like a diaper (they also sent a knee brace we will try on Charlie) and Velcro's gently around her legs. It has 3 different adjustable heat settings. The brace comes with two rechargeable batteries as well. We are pleasantly surprised how well she tolerates it and let's us put it on her. She has been enjoying using it and I really think it's helping her." ---Sallie's Mom
Product Used
Sallie's story
It's no secret that our sweet pups have had their fair (or unfair) share of leg problems. At Sallie's follow up appointment for her TPLO surgery, her x-rays showed severe hip dysplasia. PetieTec sent us a Targeted Heated Brace to help relieve some of her pain. The brace shown in the pictures fits like a diaper (they also sent a knee brace we will try on Charlie) and Velcro's gently around her legs. It has 3 different adjustable heat settings. The brace comes with two rechargeable batteries as well. We are pleasantly surprised how well she tolerates it and let's us put it on her. She has been enjoying using it and I really think it's helping her. We will continue using the brace to help sweet Sallie still be able to have the usual pep in the step! Thanks again for sending this!