Health Issue:arthritis
Region:New York
Product Used:Hip Brace
"I am a veterinary and a dog owner. I have 2 seniors, and my old lab is starting to have trouble. I see many cruciate injuries where people don't want to do surgery. I used the heat therapy on my 14 years lab, she was so enjoyable! I used when she was laying down and resting. She almost fell asleep during the therapy. I love that they have adaptations to fit just about every part of the body. I would love to recommend the heating braces to anyone with an elderly pet or those with joint Injuries" ---JellyBean's Mom
Product Used
JellyBean's story
I am a veterinary and a dog owner. I have 2 seniors, and my old lab is starting to have trouble. I see many cruciate injuries where people don't want to do surgery. And I see joint injury in younger and younger patients.Acupuncture and laser therapy are the two I have used in addition to or if pain meds don't work.So I would love to try any methods that can help their pain. I used the heat therapy on my 14 years lab, she was so enjoyable! I used when she was laying down and resting. She almost fell asleep during the therapy. I love that they have adaptations to fit just about every part of the body. I would love to recommend the heating braces to anyone with an elderly pet or those with joint Injuries
Tips from petietec
The heat therapy will be a addtional help to those who don't want to do the surgery when their dogs got injuries. Veterinary approved that will work for them and loves to recommend to other patients.