Breed:German Shepherd
Health Issue:elbow Dysplasia, spondylosis, lumbosacral disease
Region:Unite Kingdom
Product Used:Elbow brace, hip brace, back vest
"It's given both us and Echo so much relief since we got it, especially now the weather is turning colder! She's not the happiest wearing things, but every time she has used the product she has fallen asleep. She also gets a runny nose which she also gets when she has her acupuncture, which is supposed to signal a release of toxins. Our vet thinks the heat therapy has really helped her and can see a noticeable difference in her muscles! Her back is much less tight, and she had hardly any knots in her thighs and quads than last time before we started using the heat therapy." ---Echo's Mom
Product Used
Echo's story
Echo's Story My German Shepherd Echo currently has many of the health issues, including double elbow Dysplasia and also lower spinal diseases such as spondylosis and lumbosacral disease.We are constantly looking for ways to help her be more comfortable, as she is still only at the young age of 6 years, and want to make sure she is happy and pain free. Whenn we find the heating braces, I believe she may fit the ideal position and be a fantastic candidate for the products. After her walks, we'd noticed she's a bit sore or stiff. So we used the braces for her. She loves that! She's not the happiest wearing things, but every time she has used the product she has fallen asleep. She also gets a runny nose which she also gets when she has her acupuncture, which is supposed to signal a release of toxins. Our vet thinks the heat therapy has really helped her and can see a noticeable difference in her muscles! Her back is much less tight, and she had hardly any knots in her thighs and quads than last time before we started using the heat therapy. We really appreciated that the braces helping her so much, they're providing both her and us so much comfort and really helping with her mobility issues.